
I’m Kat! Professional Storyteller & Neurodivergent Creative

Here to help you vanquish those story construction obstacles, slay that imposter syndrome clawing at the back of your brain & stomp boredom flat with heart-pounding Boys Love fiction. Join the Saga and choose your inbox obsession, whether it’s helpful advice to get your writing unstuck or an episode of my weekly Boys Love Fantasy series to devour during your coffee break.

‘Whether we exist in real life—or merely on the page—we’re all a sum of our memories and the things we’ve experienced in our lives.’ — Kat Vancil, “Give me that tragic backstory baby”, The Storytellers Saga
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Give me that tragic backstory baby

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 25 Well hello there, Reader! Today we’re talking about tragic backstories. Click to watch the full Reel You know those things that are common in D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) and pretty much every other role-playing game. I guess because happy well-adjusted people aren’t thrill-seeking adventurers? The backstory is usually some page-long saga the player hands over to the GM (game master) and then info dumps to the rest of the party at a tavern in the first...

‘Haters will use their words as a stick to beat you with. And not cleverly, either’ — Kat Vancil, “When someone’s shade is unintentionally helpful”, The Storytellers Saga

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 70 Guys don’t blush that much.’ The above is a comment I received from a peer on a 2017 Romance anthology, Reader. It’s what started me on the road to what I write today—Boys Love. Also known as M/M Romance or Achillean Romance Fiction. So why am I talking about it? Because most storytellers hate reviews. They’re considered at best—a necessary evil. And at worst—something to send you into a doom spiral. Especially the critical ones. But are all critical...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 69 I made a mistake, Reader. A HUGE one. And I had to solve it FAST. Let me back up. I was down to the wire on my deadline to finish a short story for a contest and I miscalculated. By a lot. Like by a thousand words a lot. Now cutting a few fluff words or sentences here or there is par for the course when editing a story. But a thousand? That’s the difference between repainting a few rooms in your home and ripping out a whole freakin’ floor. But that’s...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 68 Bet you’re wondering…Why’s this email coming a day late? Well aside from the fact that I had a massive migraine yesterday— (I’ve got a rare chronic illness that causes them—hooray!) I’m down to the wire, Reader, working on a short story for a contest. The same contest I entered last year and won. Which earned me a coveted spot in this anthology. Versus by the Fantasy and SciFi Writers Alliance The story is due Monday by midnight and I’m mostly done...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 67 “I forgot they weren’t real people.” It was probably the nicest thing a reader ever said to me at a convention nearly a decade ago. You see, Reader, they’d read the first two books in my Marked Ones Trilogy and were eagerly awaiting the release of the 3rd. And that’s the real magic of storytelling isn’t it, Reader? To create characters that feel so real that you could bump into them on the street, or meet up with them for coffee? Or have them swoop...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 66 Lights. Curtain. Dancers take your place. Queue music. Tude's School of Dance performing Blue Eyes Blind This past weekend a kaleidoscope of colors culminated in the 48th annual dance showcase of the studio I attend. And if you’ve never performed on stage, Reader, here’s a small taste… It’s sequins and sweat. Runs in your tights and running to grab your prop in time to reenter the stage on the right queue. It’s bruises and bows. Ankle braces and...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 65 “ Looking for gay characters in fairytales can feel like a fruitless endeavor. — Liz Gotauco, F*cked Up Fairytales with Liz And she’s not wrong. Though the sexuality of the authors of many fairytales and classics is constantly debated, what is plain to see is that fairytales and classics have a serious diversity problem. So how do we fix it? By adapting the stories to make them move queer inclusive. Because the world might not need another Cinderella...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 64 Well hello there, Reader! Right before we kicked off our bi-monthly D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) game this past Saturday, our friend asked me for some storytelling advice. “You’ve had writer’s block before, right? So how did you handle it?” She looked beyond frustrated and a bit defeated. But she’s far from alone in that regard. Because if you type “writer’s block” into Google you’ll get about 18,500,000 results. No joke. So clearly a huge amount of...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 63 Well hello there, Reader! Growing up autistic, you never really realize anything you do is unusual until things like this happen… It was mid/post/who even knows anymore🙄 pandemic and I was with a bunch of my dance classmates at a farewell dinner for a friend. We’d all had a great meal and were waiting to pay when one of them bemoaned… “Ugh. I just should have asked for his number.” “Whose number?” I asked. “The server.” “Which one? I can go ask for...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 62 Well hello there, Reader! Did you go to a BBQ this past weekend? Maybe a movie or even a convention? I went to a wedding! Me & Cousin Nick My youngest cousin’s in fact. She looked like a fairytale princess, her white dress billowing out behind her in the pre-summer breeze. Cousin Melissa & Daniel And it got me thinking, this is how most stories end. With family and friends. With a big party and a delicious feast. With dancing and dresses. With cake...

KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 61 Well hello there, Reader, This weekend I’m going to be heading to a family wedding. And like I do for nearly all weddings I’m invited to (whether or not I actually attend) I’m gifting the happy couple with a watercolor painting. Sometimes it’s a landscape of the Grand Canal in Venice. Or their favorite place in Disney. This time it’s a beachscape not too far from where me and my husband spent our anniversary last fall. While we were staying at the...