The siren call of pasta carbonara 🍝

It started on a rainy Saturday morning, Reader.

Me, my husband, and our kitty Akimi 🐈 all on the bed doing Wordle. Akimi “helps” by knocking the Scrabble titles off my box cover with her tail.

(Oh, I use physical tiles when doing the Wordle because I can’t visualize letters and move them around in my head like everyone else. Hooray for dyslexia/autism!)

Anyways, my husband reads me a FB repost by our friend Nyxie that posited the idea that sirens would lure you with promises of whatever you desired most. Or at least most at that time.

The discussion was fascinating and hilarious.

You can find a larger version of the image and further discussion on the original Reddit here.

So this got the little catfish swimming in my brain churning with ideas.

What would my Legendary Characters be lured in by? Not every character is lured in by the promise of love or sex as pop culture has misled us to believe.

Even in the Odyssey, Odysseus was lured in by the promise of future knowledge, NOT relations with a siren.

It made me think of a great Story Alchemy Quest. You know the daily 500 words of writing I do in my quest log?

A fun and interesting question to get to know your Legendary Character a little better—to understand what motivates them. What gets them out of bed in the morning? And what drives them forward…

What would a siren lure them with?

It could be anything.

Physical affection.

Excellent WIFI at incredible speeds.

Knowledge of the future.

The winning Lotto numbers.

Or maybe they’d be lured to those mighty sharp rocks by the promise of fettuccine carbonara and hot buttery garlic bread.

Hmm…garlic bread with carbonara… I think I hear something Reader? Do you?

Your cohort in storytelling,

Kat Vancil


PS 👉 I’m working on putting together a free mini-course to help you create the foundation of your story. If story structure or construction has you feeling like


Then click here and I’ll put you on the list to be the first to receive an invite to this free mini-course when it goes live on Teachable in the coming weeks.

PSS 👉 I’m trying out something new and fun where each week I give you a writing prompt in the form of a “quest” down here in the PS section. If it helped spark your creative catfish hit reply and let me know or Story me on The Gram 😸

Quest of the Week

Your Legendary Character is on a ship that has just encountered a siren, what promise would lure them off the boat?


Not interested in learning to be a storyteller and just want to read some squee-inducing Boys Love Flash Fic instead? Abandon this quest

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The Saga Quest

1179 West A Street, Suite 137, Hayward, CA 94541

I’m Kat! Professional Storyteller & Neurodivergent Creative

Here to help you vanquish those story construction obstacles, slay that imposter syndrome clawing at the back of your brain & stomp boredom flat with heart-pounding Boys Love fiction. Join the Saga and choose your inbox obsession, whether it’s helpful advice to get your writing unstuck or an episode of my weekly Boys Love Fantasy series to devour during your coffee break.

Read more from I’m Kat! Professional Storyteller & Neurodivergent Creative
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