Here to help you vanquish those story construction obstacles, slay that imposter syndrome clawing at the back of your brain & stomp boredom flat with heart-pounding Boys Love fiction. Join the Saga and choose your inbox obsession, whether it’s helpful advice to get your writing unstuck or an episode of my weekly Boys Love Fantasy series to devour during your coffee break.
KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 88 They’re everywhere, Reader. Filling up Bookstagram, Pinterest, and bookshop shelves. Pulled from the 4 corners of the world and translated into every major language and media. “Now in English for the first time!” “A Barnes & Noble Exclusive!” “The novel series that inspired the live-action show!” What could it be? 🤔 I’m talking about serialized novels of course. More specifically, the illustrated kind. No, I’m not talking about graphic novels. I mean...
KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 87 Well hello there, Reader! It’s that dreaded beginning of the year when everyone is OBSESSED with resolutions. Where you can’t turn a digital corner without running smack into an ad for another fad diet or exercise app. (I’m looking at you Instagram, stop it! I’m not the cook in my household and I have so many food allergies all these fancy organic meal plans would land me in the hospital.😵) I’m very much NOT a resolution cat. In fact, I loathe them....
KAT VANCIL THE STORYTELLER'S SAGA QUEST 86 2 years ago, Reader, I arrived at the famous Jack London Square on a chilly Friday night. Or as chilly as the Bay Area ever really gets. It’s snowed here exactly one day in my entire life and I wouldn’t even say that really counted. The closest we get is hail and that’s pretty random. Everything was going well. The train was on time. We were standing at the right pole (trains have “poles” instead of “gates” unlike planes, if you’ve never ridden one)....